Deprecated: Required parameter $title follows optional parameter $simple in /home/travelspirit1/public_html/wp-content/themes/travelicious/php/before_framework.php on line 148

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Deprecated: usort(): Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated, return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero in /home/travelspirit1/public_html/wp-content/themes/travelicious/framework/config-meta-boxes.php on line 313

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Spirit Travel & Tours coming soon...

    AAbout Us

    Spirit Travel Management and Tourism Company - Carlson Wagonlit Albania was first established in 2013 and due to great experience of its employees and the entrepreneurial thinking of its directors, has established itself in such a short period of time as the main travel management provider in Albania and a distinguished destination management company that counts a large number of prestigious customers to its portfolio.

    CContact Info

    Our company's internal organization is subordinated to convenient and efficient customer service. The departments that directly cooperate with clients: the Sales, Aviation, Hotel, Passenger Logistics and Public Procurement and Invoicing Departments are supported by specialists from the Accounting, Marketing, IT and Administration departments. The foundation of our employees' activities are lasting business relationships that we build on the basis of personalized service at the highest level, thanks to which we provide clients with an alternative to a typically corporate form of communication. The above values are reflected in the recommendations and positive opinions that the Spirit Travel team guarantees fantastic support and service at every stage of cooperation.

    : +355 45 800 400
    : Sheshi “Skënderbej”, Pallati i Kulturës, Tirana, Albania